Pick-up Artist: How Relevant Is It in Our Time?

The fashion for the pick-up remains unchanged, although the methods used by pick-up artists, in most cases, do not work. Pick-up artists try NLP, emotional attachments, kinesthetics, rapporting, reframing, non-verbal signals, patterns, and other tricks. But all this is nonsense. Such tricks work only on young girls who are easy to seduce even when you do not use all of your tricks and hacks of pick-up artists. 

Features of an Adult, Mature Pick-up That Really Works

What is the difference between a real modern pick-up from youthful maximalism and suffering from a lack of female attention?

  • Girls are part of your journey

Only good guys can try to surprise and satisfy all women’s desires. This does not work. The pick-up artists try to play on emotions, which is also bad. Girls with higher IQs do not believe in such cheap gimmicks. It makes no sense for a man to run after girls, hoping for their attention and interest. Convulsive attempts to get to know each other or to be good are useless. A professional hunter does not chase after prey but lures it. May it be good and fun for you. This is the first and main step. The girls will come in the second step.A modern pickup is not the method of communicating with the gentle sex, but your way of life. A girl is not a dream of life, but a companion on the way to it. The rich and interesting life of a man attracts girls more than any cheap pick-up tricks. Clear goals, ambitions, plans, freedom, passion, and the destruction of limits. Beautiful and incredible girls will gladly become your companions, running away from other frustrated losers.

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